By producing your own photovoltaic energy, we gain one hundred days more sunshine, and at the same time we build a cleaner future. We actively support the Finnish Energy and Climate Strategy and are committed to attain the targets adopted in the EU by the year 2030. Renewable energy source
The annual amount of solar photovoltaic radiation on the optimally directed and tilted surface is likely to exceed 825 kWh / m2 in the Kokemäki area (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System (PVGIS) – Joint Research Center). In a decent environment, our solar energy investment amounts to about 3-8% of return. Electricity produced by solar panels plays a significant role in the energy saving targets of Lehtosen Konepaja. 112 new solar panels were installed on the roof of the new hall for sheet metal handling and welding. The system is dimensioned so that the machinery workshop can use the generated electricity itself. For investment to be made, for example, The investment is profitable among other things because purchased electricity will be replaced by our own production during the summer season, when the building mainly consumes electricity for air conditioning and cooling the production facilities.